3. Theory of Knowledge Summer Thinking on Ethics

“ The ethically correct course is the one which brings the greatest benefit to the greatest number.” Use one particular WoK to agree with this statement. Use another WoK to disagree with it.

When reading this quote regarding the idea that the ethically correct course is the one that brings the greatest benefit to the greatest number, one particular way of knowing that allows me to agree with the statement, is through reasoning and logic. This is because through reasoning, we are able to assess the outcomes of an action, and hence formulate in our minds what is ethical or unethical. In regards to the question, our reasoning allows us to know that oftentimes, the ethically correct course of actions is the one that will promote the benefit to the largest number rather than an individual. As a result, our reason and logic, allows us to not only form a holistic decision, but also helps us move away from our own self-interests. However, this statement may certainly be disagreed using emotion as a way of knowing. This is because oftentimes, our emotions seek out our self-interests and cause us to believe that what is most beneficial to us is best, hence disagreeing with the entire statement. In addition, since our emotions work together with our reasoning, it may guide it into the wrong direction and cause us to make an unethical decision.

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